What the Administrator said regarding this Lottery ?
How it works.PJ Hamilton is the owner of this idea. I think the idea of Turn publicity into something of greater value is great. It is his college project. When i am writing this Post the worth of the site according to Website Outlook is $335.8 USD. Its growing fast. This is the official website http://www.thetwitterlotto.com. Remember everyone can enter in this Lottery.
This web site's jackpot gets bigger every time a visitor arrives at this home page. The money in this lottery is earned from one thing, publicity. The more visitors this web site receives, the higher its value becomes and the larger the jackpot becomes, and with the internet widely available, anyone around the world has the chance to participate! Today the site might be worth $3, but tomorrow it might be worth $10!
How to enter.Simply follow twterlotto on Twitter! If you don't have an account, you can create one in just a few minutes. By following, you will see the progress and power of this web site. There are no tickets or admission/entrance fees however, I ask that you do not make multiple accounts. I will personally review the winning account after it is selected on Christmas Day December 25, 2009. If I feel it is a duplicate or bogus account, I will choose another (legitimate) one.
The concept.
The actual jackpot is directly based on the estimated value of this web site which can be seen at the top of this home page. It is updated daily. As the web site becomes more popular, the value of the site increases. The beauty of this concept is that it's free and the public plays an important role in how large they want to see this jackpot become just by telling friends, co-workers or even family to participate. The value is consistently growing everyday.
How to win.The winner will receive the jackpot (seen above) of this web site on the draw day and will be rewarded personally by me. A video of the winning will be posted on YouTube as proof of payout (witnesses and media are welcome to watch/record or whatever).
On December 25, 2009 the winner will be selected, announced and congratulated on this web site as well as my Twitter account. On the 26th, I will pay for the winners flight to Calgary, AB in order to collect their winnings in the form of a certified check.Christmas day was selected because it will provide sufficient time for The Twitter Lotto site to spread virally; and the winner will take home a really special Christmas gift! Perhaps even provide a life changing opportunity... Not bad for just clicking a link online!
i recommend you all to take part in this. you just have to follow one twitter account nothing else.